Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update 10-10-09

A lot has changed since we last updated the blog...sorry it took so long its been a very busy month. Lily is crawling all over the place with ease. We have to keep an eye on her constantly or she will surely find trouble. Lily also likes to pull herself up any chance she can get. She always seems to want to know what mom and dad are up to when we're sitting on the couch. She'll also creep from one end of the couch to the other if she sees something she likes. All in all she's a real busy body.

She's started eating some people food like peas, broccoli, peaches and carrots. She usually takes a day or two to warm up to the new food but then seems to take it pretty well.

Those are the things that I can recall off the top of my head. Perhaps Linda can fill in more details later. Be sure to check out all the pictures (I think I posted 18 new ones) and the short video of Lily "chasing" me down the hall.

Hope all is well with everyone.

10-7-09 Washing Myself

10-3-09 Success!

10-02-09 Relaxing with Mom

10-2-09 I've Got Four Teeth Now!

10-2-09 Crawling on Daddy

9-28-09 Chasing Dad

9-27-09 Bugging Dad

9-27-09 After Church

9-27-09 Ready for Church

9-27-09 Standing Up

9-24-09 Down for the Count

9-19-09 The Jubb Kids

9-12-09 Tackled at the Goal Line

9-7-09 Fun with Aunt Suzy

9-6-09 Getting into Aunt Suzy's Yarn

9-05-09 Opening Day

8-31-09 Bath Time Fun

8-29-09 Play Time

8-23-09 Dad & Lily upside down

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update 8-19-09

At the end of last week Lily started crawling and now nothing on the floor is safe.  Check out the video for a little taste of what she can do...although I have to admit its almost a week old and she is much more mobile than what shows in that video.  Will try to shoot a better one this weekend.

This week she missed a few days of school with a virus and thankfully can go back tomorrow, a day both Linda and I cannot afford to miss work.  Fortunately she only had to deal with a little rash and has actually been in a very good mood the past few days.

All else is pretty good.   
8-19-09: Lily has the worlds largest strawberry by her teeth...all two of them... 
8-15-09: Hangin' with Grandpa Jubb
8-15-09: New strawberry dress Aunt Suzy made by hand
8-1-09: What a happy girl!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lily Update 8-4-09

Things are changing fast!

Last Wednesday Lily started sitting up on her own and already has pretty good balance.  Its a huge help for when mom and dad want to get something done around the house because she can entertain herself and see that we haven't gone too far.

It appears that crawling could really happen at any moment.  Lily will get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth, but she hasn't quite figured out how to move from that position.  If you put her down, though, she'll find a way to get to where she wants to go via army crawl or rolling.  You really got to watch her now!

Her grasp is getting better and will take every opportunity to grab whatever she can...usually her bowl of food or a glass...we've had a few spills.

We think the top two teeth may make an appearance soon, but not 100% sure yet.  

She's still sleeping well at night and she's getting better at naps, although she wasn't too excited about missing Tiger's historic win at the Buick last week...a girls got to sleep...
8-2-09: The escape attempt was foiled...darn...
7-30-09: Yeah, I'm cool!
7-29-09: Could be her new favorite toy???
7-29-09: At the beach watching dad play volleyball
7-26-09: Look me!
7-26-09: Put her down for 10 minutes and she somehow got from her activity mat to the chair...seems pretty proud of it too!
7-26-09: The kids at play
7-25-09: With mom
7-25-09: Relaxing on the back deck
7-23-09: Becki, Sophie, and Lily up north
7-22-09: Relaxing after a bottle
7-22-09: Cuddle time!

7-21-09: In the mouth of the frog
7-21-09: Lily hangin' with Aunt Suzy
7-20-09: Dad & Lily in the pool
7-20-09: Mom and Lily relaxing and Brys Estate

Sunday, July 12, 2009

7-12-09: A meeting of the minds
7-12-09: Uncle Todd and Ava at the park
7-12-09: Aunt Andrea and Ava at the park
7-12-09: Lily's first swing at the park
7-11-09: Lily with Grandpa Sever 

The Sever's Visit

Aunt Andrea, Uncle Todd, and Ava joined Grandma & Grandpa Sever for a visit today.  Check out all the new photos and video.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6th Month Doctor Appt

Tough day for Lily, she got three immunization shots and an oral vaccine today.  Overall the doctor said she's healthy and meeting her milestones. 

Weight: 16lbs 12oz 68th percentile
Height: 25.5 in 48th percentile
Head: 1oth percentile

She cried for a few hours this evening but Linda just fed her and now she's in a pretty good mood.  Hope she can sleep well tonight.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tooth update

We confirmed this morning that Lily actually has two teeth on their way.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

6-28-09: The Sever's
6-28-09: Lily's first boat ride, with Mom & Carmen
6-28-09: At Lake Barlow
6-28-09: Lily's new shoes
6-27-09: Play time!