Sunday, July 12, 2009

7-12-09: A meeting of the minds
7-12-09: Uncle Todd and Ava at the park
7-12-09: Aunt Andrea and Ava at the park
7-12-09: Lily's first swing at the park
7-11-09: Lily with Grandpa Sever 

The Sever's Visit

Aunt Andrea, Uncle Todd, and Ava joined Grandma & Grandpa Sever for a visit today.  Check out all the new photos and video.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6th Month Doctor Appt

Tough day for Lily, she got three immunization shots and an oral vaccine today.  Overall the doctor said she's healthy and meeting her milestones. 

Weight: 16lbs 12oz 68th percentile
Height: 25.5 in 48th percentile
Head: 1oth percentile

She cried for a few hours this evening but Linda just fed her and now she's in a pretty good mood.  Hope she can sleep well tonight.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tooth update

We confirmed this morning that Lily actually has two teeth on their way.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

6-28-09: The Sever's
6-28-09: Lily's first boat ride, with Mom & Carmen
6-28-09: At Lake Barlow
6-28-09: Lily's new shoes
6-27-09: Play time!
6-27-09: Lily, Addy, and Brett at the Vyn lake house
6-25-09: Another one of Mom's old dresses
6-22-09: One of Mom's old dresses
6-21-09: Lily and Dad playing before bedtime
6-20-09: Lily's first trip to Lighthouse Beach
6-14-09: Lily & Ava after their first sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa Sever's house
6-13-09: Brett, Lily, and Ava
It was a tough night but now its all better
Lily's favorite chew toy

Lily update 7-4-09

Lily's first tooth made an appearance today.  It made for a rough day but she seems to be sleeping well now.

Our First Blog

Welcome the Sever family blog.  This is a way for us to keep our friends and family up to speed on what's going one with Brett, Linda, and Lily